Wednesday 13 April 2011

Three mountain climbers paid a lot of 
money to be the first to scale a 
mountain. After several days of 
climbing they finally reached the 
pinnacle, and to their dismay, found a 
cabin and three frozen bodies. Since the 
mountain climbers were the first to ever 
climb the summit,
How could this be possible?

Where will you find roads without cars, 

forests without trees and cities without 



Tuesday 12 April 2011

A blue house is made of blue bricks. A 

yellow house is made of yellow bricks. A 

red house is made of red bricks. An 

orange house is made of orange bricks. 

What would a green house be made of?

There was a green house. Inside the 
green house there was a white house 
Inside the white house there was a red 
house. Inside the red house there were 
lots of babies.

What Is This?

A beggar's brother died, but the man
who died had no brother.

How could
this be?

Monday 11 April 2011